SAS Meeting Minutes for January 10, 2006 Get FORMS, Minutes & Information on web:
Next meeting: second Tuesday of the month, February 14, 2006
Kelcie Tinker’s house, 1531 35th Avenue, between Kirkham/Lawton
Special guest speaker from ArtSpan: Jessica Stewart
· Jessica said that ArtSpan is looking for potential satellite exhibit space for Sunset/Richmond artists so that more people may be drawn to come to the Open Studios. If there is a satellite gallery, west side artists will also be able to have a sample of their work at the main gallery in SoMa.
· ArtSpan’s 2006 SF Open Studios for the Sunset District will be the 3rd weekend in October.
· The committee for open studios has plans to improve the guide and distribution of the guide.
· Constructive ideas about open studios, the guide, where and how many guides are needed may be sent to Jessica:
1. February is the deadline for membership and registration for Art in the Avenues show, June 3rd and 4th (Hall of Flowers) 2006. It is no longer required to be a member of SAS to be in the show. Basically, members pay $155 ($35 membership and $120 HOF) and non-members pay $150 ($30 participation fee and $120 HOF)
· Membership is $35 per year due every February, and is open to current members and new members who live or have their art studio in the Sunset District
· HOF deposit for members is $60
· HOF for non-members: $30 plus HOF deposit $60 = $90
2. ALL CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE OUT TO GARY PEDEN (he is the Treasurer!). Mail forms (available on the SAS website ) to Kelcie Tinker, 1531 35th Avenue, SF 94122
3. If we have not filled all available slots for the HOF 2006 by February, there will be an open call for artists to join the show.
4. April is the deadline for the balance due ($60) for HOF show. Also last chance to drop out and get a refund of your deposit.
5. Committee Reports to be made at February meeting.
6. Membership will not be juried; shows will be juried by the Steering Committee. Participants who are new to SAS or the HOF shows must submit photos by mail to Kelcie or .jpg digital files to
7. Anyone not an SAS member or show participant by February and decides to join in the HOF show will automatically be assigned to the Setup and Breakdown committees.
8. Steve Dehlinger, Site Committee chair, must be notified of any special requests regarding exhibit space. Reasonable accommodation will be made but no guarantees.
9. A brochure, rather than a post card, will be used to announce the show. It will contain a floor plan.
10. Member’s monthly critiques/salons will continue to be coordinated by Pam Heyda and held on the 2nd Saturday of the month.
January 10th meeting location has changed!!!
Unfortunately there will be no one to open the church for us on Tuesday,
January 10th. We can meet at my house, 1531 35th Avenue between Kirkham and
Next meeting: second Tuesday of the month, January 10, 2006
1531 35th Avenue (between Kirkham and Lawton), at 7 p.m.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Twelve people attended the general meeting on December 13, 2005.
Reading, corrections and approval of the minutes
Leigh Radtke read minutes of last meetings.
· Correction to (1b) of Steering Committee meeting minutes: If non-members want to participate in the Hall of Flowers (HOF) show and have not joined SAS by February, then they will pay an extra $40 or $200 total $30 or $150 total.
Also approved:
1. Membership renewals will be in February for a common renewal month.
2. Membership will not be juried; shows will be juried by the Steering Committee.
3. Deposits for the June 3 & 4 HOF show are $60, due in January 2006. Final payment of $60 will be due in April 2006 for a total of $120 per person if we have enough who want to participate. April will be the last opportunity to drop out of the show and receive a refund of the deposit.
4. HOF Committees will begin working in January 2006.
5. Anyone not an SAS member by February and decides to participate in the HOF show will automatically be assigned to the Set Up and Break Down committees.
6. Steve Dehlinger, Site Committee chair, must be notified of any special requests regarding exhibit space. Reasonable accommodation will be made but no guarantees.
7. A brochure, rather than a post card, will be used to announce the show. It will contain a floor plan.
8. Monthly critiques/salons will continue to be coordinated by Pam Heyda (thank you, Pam) with the following changes: Instead of potluck dinner, dessert will be provided by the host or hostess, and the arrival time will be 7 p.m. Just bring 1 – 3 of your recent works. Scheduled on every 2nd Saturday, the next one will be at Ann Eby’s, 2246 26th Avenue (between Rivera and Santiago). Must let Pam know if you are coming.
Thirteen people have either said they will participate or submitted applications for the 2006 HOF show. If you are interested in showing your work at the HOF 2006 come to the January 10th meeting, 2nd Tuesday.
SAS Meeting Minutes for November 8, 2005 and
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes for December 6, 2005
Get minutes & information on web:
Next meeting: second Tuesday of the month, December 13, 2005
Sunset Church, 3638 Lawton (between 42nd and 43rd Avenues, 2nd floor prayer room, at 7 p.m.
Twelve people attended the general meeting on November 8th, including two guests.
Summary of Discussion on Questionnaire results
Sixteen questionnaires were tabulated. Based on the results, the SAS will keep the same general focus that is consistent with its current mission statement:
“Sunset Artists Society, founded in 1999, brings together artists and art lovers from San Francisco's Sunset and Richmond districts. SAS seeks to promote networking and discussion among visual artists. The membership works together to produce high quality community based art shows that are fun, informative and easily accessible for local residents. SAS encourages artists to sell their work, as well as encouraging art lovers to become art buyers.”
Membership will not be juried, and shows will be juried by the Steering Committee. We discussed art versus crafts and it was agreed that we wanted to keep fine art the main focus of the shows and only finer crafts will be accepted.
December 6, 2005 Steering Committee Meeting
The Steering Committee (Steve Dehlinger, Kate Dopheide, Ann Eby, Gary Peden, Leigh Radtke and Kelcie Tinker) met to discuss several business issues, as follows:
1. The next, and 4th annual, Art in the Avenues show at the Hall of Flowers. It is scheduled for June 3rd and 4th of 2006. If you are interested in showing your work at the HOF 2006 come to the December 13th meeting next Tuesday…it will be your first opportunity to sign-up.
a. Deposits of $60 are due in January 2006. Final payment of $60 will be due in April 2006 for a total of $120 per person if we have enough who want to participate. April will be the last opportunity to drop out of the show and receive a refund of the deposit.
b. If non-members (see deadline for joining SAS below) want to participate in the show and have not joined SAS by February, then they will pay an extra $40 or $200 total.
c. Participants may request a specific spot when they apply for the show and reasonable accommodation will be made to meet the request, however there is no guarantee.
d. We will be designing a small brochure this year for mailing and distribution. The brochure will have the floor plan and list of artists.
e. Former rules will remain in place, such as each participant serving on at least two committees.
2. The schedule for paying for membership will change to make everyone’s payment due in February of each year. Annual membership is $35 per year.
3. The Steering Committee will be made up of 7 members and will be responsible for planning as it relates to shows, events, meeting schedule and meeting agendas. This is to facilitate decisions and keep general meeting to one hour.
Next meeting: second Tuesday of the month, November 8, 2005
Sunset Church, 3638 Lawton, 2nd floor conference room, at 7 p.m.
1. David announced that he is stepping down as the chair of the SAS, effective February 2006. He will be missed very much. BIG THANKS to David for his years of service to SAS. We will be looking for someone to volunteer to lead the organization. We discussed the future of SAS and it was decided the Steering Committee would develop a questionnaire so that all members have an opportunity give their input on that future.
2. SAS received a nice thank you note from the de Young for the $2183.50 that was donated from the Hall of Flowers 2004 Silent Auction.
3. Inner Sunset Art Walk: Several artists participated in this event and it was generally successful. May be an annual event.
4. Art Span Open Studios, Sunset District: Participating artists thought Open Studios were successful due to the distribution of the brochure designed by Steve Dehlinger and individual artists mailing lists/signage. There was a conclusion that the Art Span fee of $165 was not worth it.
October 18, 2005 Steering Committee Meeting
The Steering Committee met and developed the 2005 SAS Questionnaire to be sent to all current members.
Questionnaires should be completed by November 4, 2005 and returned to Kelcie Tinker at OR mail to 1531 35th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122
Questions? Call Kelcie 415-681-2692
Below is the questionnaire (available in WORD):
Current focus: SAS has been a self-interest group, providing networking among artists and opportunities to show and sell art.
1. SAS is open to anyone. Did you know that? Yes ___ No ___
2. Do you think SAS should keep the same focus? Yes ___ No ___
3. Do you think that membership should be juried? Yes ___ No ___
4. Should SAS allow crafts people into SAS? Yes ___ No ___
5. Do you think that shows should be juried? Yes ___ No ___
6. Are you planning to renew your membership? Yes ___ No ___
7. Would you come to meetings more often if refreshments were served? Yes ___ No ___
8. SAS membership & meetings: On a scale of 1 – 5 (1 least important, 5 most important)
1 2 3 4 5
How important is networking?
How important is showing and selling art?
How valuable are the meetings?
How important is having guest speakers?
How interested are you in arranging for guest speakers for meetings?
9. Would you be a guest speaker at an SAS meeting? Yes ___ No ___
If yes, what would be the topic? ___________________________________________________
10. What would you most like to hear from a guest speaker? (1 least important, 5 most important)
1 2 3 4 5
Sales advice
Legal advice
Framing ideas
Art techniques
Sales and marketing
Web design
Other: ______________________________________________________________________________
11. Regarding HOF 2005: How satisfied were you with your sales (1-4 as very disappointed, somewhat disappointed, satisfied, very satisfied) _________
12. Do you plan to participate in the Hall of Flowers 2006, considering that the de Young is reopened?
Yes ___ No ___
13. Are you willing to work on a task force related to an art show, like HOF, if there is a minimum amount of time and energy required? Yes ___ No ___
14. HOF 2005 cost $110 per booth. How much more would you be willing to pay for additional advertising?
$0, $25, $50, $100? (circle one)
15. Would you prefer to do a Spring Open Studio or the HOF 2006? (circle one)
16. Should SAS only organize around Art Span’s open studios? Yes ___ No ___
17. What is most important to you in an art show? on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 least important, 5 most important)
1 2 3 4 5
Customer interaction/ polishing skills and techniques
Meeting other artists
18. Would you be interested in participating in a gallery for a monthly fee, knowing that you would be required to volunteer on a regular basis and show your art for only a short period during the year, like a long term open studio? Yes ___ No ___
19. Do you participate in the monthly critiques? Yes ___ No ___
If yes, what was most important to you on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 least important, 5 most important)?
1 2 3 4 5
Being with artists
Getting honest critique
San Francisco’s Inner Sunset Art Walk 2005 (ISAW)
--> entry DEADLINE: Aug.12, 2005
Deadline: August 12, 2005 – The Inner Sunset Art Walk (ISAW) committee is now seeking submissions from artists interested in exhibiting in a very public and unique venue, the Inner Sunset Business District. This first ever event will be held from September 17th thru October 1st, 2005.
A juried process will be used to choose participating artists, and locate works. This exhibition event will take place in the public areas, windows and interior walls of participating Inner Sunset retailers.
In addition, exhibiting artists will be encouraged to take part in a neighborhood-wide open house and Art Walk on Thursday evening, September 22nd, and to attend a closing reception Saturday night, October 1st.
Entry Fee: free
Image Submission:
Please email your digital files (up to 5, .jpg format) to: between now and August 12, 2005
This event is open to all local (Bay Area) artists;. All work must be original.
Media and Specifications:
Work in two- and three-dimensional form is eligible. Two-dimensional work should not exceed 50×60x8 inches, including frame, and must be suitably framed in Plexiglas (when applicable), with hardware, ready to hang. Content should be family oriented, as the work will be shown in areas visible to the general public, including children. This is not a gallery exhibition.
Delivery and Installation:
Accepted works are to be delivered and installed by the artist, with cooperation by business owner on September 15th and 16th. Artwork will be taken down after Saturday October 1st, by prior arrangement with business owner.
Sales and Reproduction:
Sales will be handled by artists, with no commission taken by ISAW or the exhibiting businesses. ISAW reserves the right to photographically reproduce work for publicity and exhibition records.
August 12: Entries emailed after this date will not be accepted.
August 29: Notification of accepted work sent to artists.
September 15 – 16: Installation of accepted work by artists.
September 17: ISAW opens.
September 22: open house and Art Walk.
October 1: Closing Reception.
October 2 – 5: Artwork is uninstalled by artists.
Inner Sunset Merchants Association
Craig Dawson
1032 Irving Street, Suite 711
San Francisco, CA 94122
Phone: 415-665-1077
SAS July 12 Meeting Minutes:
NO AUGUST 2ND SAT SALON. The salon's will resume in September. Pam needs a volunteer to host the SEPTEMBER salon. Please e-mail Pam @ if you are interested in hosting the September 2ND Sat salon.
SEPTEMBER 12 SAS MEETING will be held at Rosa Agnost's @ 2131 Funston Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116. Thank you Rosa!!!!
SAS is still looking for a permanent meeting place. Any suggestions please reply to this e-mail or bring them to the September 12th meeting. SAS would like to host guest speakers and a permanent meeting space would make this easier. Input on guest speaker topics or any volunteers for a presentation should also be brought to the September meeting.
Guest Speaker Topics discussed: "How do you photograph artwork?"
DeYoung Update July 2006 installation/public interaction (a copy of David's previous information follows the minutes): David, Tina, Adele, Delores, Cynthia Tom, will participate in a walk through of the DeYoung if it happens (not happening early August). David to report at the September Meeting. (Remember the DeYoung opportunity is not an SAS opportunity, this is a heads up just in case any of the SAS artists would be interested in writing a proposal and submitting it to the DeYoung)
Sunset Art Walk: Steve and Anna are working on this and will report at the September meeting if and what SAS can do to help with this endeavor. If urgent action is needed an August meeting or emergency SAS meeting will be called. Otherwise Steve will update us all at the September 12th SAS meeting.
VOTED and APPROVED: SAS Silent Auction Money; SAS raised $1900 at the HOF 2005 Silent Auction: the money was donated to the DeYoung Education Department. Sheila Presley of the DeYoung Artist in residency Programs (part of education) has requested that the money be made available to the De Young artists in residence. It was voted and approved upon by the SAS members present that the money be made available to the DeYoung artists in residency program.
Original De Young Notes-6/10/05 David's meeting with Renee
The target date for Sunset and Richmond artists is July of 2006. We discussed four weekends of events of an interactive nature with the public.
The overall theme is culture in the Avenues, not limited to visual artists but including also poets, musicians, historians, perhaps actors, etc.
The month should include PPAA, either as an integrated group or as a separate group with their own weekend.
Some of Renee's ideas:
-Have artists work in groups for salon events to be viewed by the public. Her specific idea came from an art teacher who did a figure modeling class with his regular students as a 1-day residency at the Palace.
-A Surfer Sunday to celebrate the beach culture
-An Asian-American weekend to reflect the Asian culture.
The physical resources available are:
-The Kimball Gallery, where the month-long residencies will be, and is approx. 1000 sq. ft.
This gallery has three large video screens that we can use either for video art, or for pre-taped interviews with artists, or videos of artists working in their studios, or-?
-The sculpture court (outdoors)
-Children's Gallery (Enchanted Pond) (outdoors)
-An outdoor court adjacent to the Kimball Gallery.
-Two classrooms in the tower for prescheduled workshop type events
The financial resources available are:
- Museum: publicity, e.g., postcards & announcements in their member's events mailings.
-Our $2100 from the silent auction at HOF if we so designate it.
-Money we might raise from the Inner Sunset Merchants Assn. Or from grants
This is not a show of art. It is not an exhibition.
This is a chance for artists to interact with the public in creative ways while promoting their particular artistic vision.
A chance to submit a proposal for an art project to a friendly institution that is very prestigious in our local art world.
A chance for the more professional and/or ambitious artists to make important contacts and pad their resumes.
An opportunity to do art on a scale you cannot in your studio because of space limitations.
Staff at the De Young will jury the proposals that artists submit. SAS has no real influence over what is selected and what is not.
-Think big. It is easier to scale a proposal down rather than up. If you have harbored dreams of doing a room-sized installation or workshop or event, this is the time and place it might be made real. Propose the project you really want to do, and let for the De Young to tell you that it's a great idea, but it needs to be scaled back a little to fit in their program.
-Propose a project that your portfolio will support. If you've always wanted to do a huge sand painting but your whole portfolio is made up of photo collages, you're chances are slim, simply because they will doubt that you can actually follow through your proposal.
-We will try to get a workshop scheduled that will help you write a proposal. If you don't already know how, cancel your other plans and attend it. Writing proposals is a specific skill with certain rules and standards that make your chances of acceptance much higher.
-Talk to your artist friends. Collaborative proposals can really work well in this setting. A proposal that includes several artists working in a coordinated way will be well considered.
-Think your proposal through. Some details are important. For example, if you want to hang a 1000 pound glass object from the ceiling, have an idea of how thick a cable you will need, how many bolts and of what size, etc. If you want five artists dressed in tuxedos and whiteface to sit in a circle on the floor and play dominos in slow motion, think about whether they will need pillows, if there should be rules about their conversation, whether they should keep score or not, what to do about bathroom breaks, what postures are acceptable, etc. If you want to do a mural with kids, think about how many kids, what their ages are, how many tables you will need, where they will come from, how big the mural will be, etc.
You don't need to know every detail. But you want to give the impression that you are experienced at and/or capable of planning your project out in detail if it is accepted and executing it effectively. Your proposal should include:
name (s)
address, etc.
artist statement
materials used
nature of community involvement
space requirements
multi media requirements
TUESDAY, July 12, 2005 meeting!
Location for THIS date ONLY:
Steve & Kate's house at: 1942 - 43rd Avenue between Ortega&Pacheco.
Meetings on second Tuesdays of each month!
7pm at various locations until further notice!
(We are no longer able to meet at ANY Recreation Centers in San Francisco due to SF city budget cuts; They want to charge us now.)
Check this site each month for ever-changing future meeting locations.
June 14 was the the LAST meeting at West Sunset Rec Center
We will post the new meeting locations in future posts and look on the meeting page on the SAS main website at link to the right of these postings.
(updated by Steve D.)
Art in the Avenues, Hall of Flowers Show discussion points:
Ten of about 15 people attending said they would do it again and thought it was worth it for both sales and interaction with others (attendees and artists). We agreed that we should continue to have the shows. Attendance was counted at 2700, so we think maybe 3000 attended, about the same as last year. There was some disappointment in that because so much work was done on publicity. Attendance may be better next year with the De Young being open.
The Canvas Café exhibit of some of the artists looked good and it was good publicity.
If someone must drop out of the show at the last minute because of unforeseen circumstances (as happened) we should try to notify other artists to bring extra work to hang in the space so it is not empty.
Maximum number of booths for inside the hall is around 46 – 48. The show can be viable with around 40 participants.
We should not be paying a “wage” to students passing out flyers for us…perhaps an “honorarium” will not get us in trouble for minimum wage violation.
$1900 was raised for the De Young museum with 30 people bidding. We discussed having the auction tables more centrally located next year if we do it again.
Food Service
Ebisu quickly stepped in to fill the void when Amanda Janes could not do the food and coffee at the last minute. Gary cautioned that he did not know about it until the last minute and he was not sure if Ebisu was insured for the event. We must consider this in the future.
Many thanks to those who put in so much effort on the committees: the plan for the layout, publicity, set-up and breakdown, the appearance of the booths/interior design, and entertainment gets better each year. As with many organizations, the 80/20 rule applies with committee work…about 20 percent of the people do most of the work. We did not have a solution for this except to agree that:
• next year people who want to participate must attend at least one meeting and sign-up for committees
• chair people should be identified early in the planning, know their responsibilities, and know who is on their committee
• if a chair person thinks they need more people on their committee they need to speak up so adjustments can be made
• committee chairs will be rewarded with a 1st , 2nd, and 3rd choice of what booth space they want
Leigh sent her comments on setup and breakdown via e-mail:
• Hire more kids to help
• get a 15 foot truck
• Every artist needs to be informed that they will help break down the panels
• Just some notes and observations: David saved my ass with the truck and the usual people did incredible, Doug, Michael-Patrick and Morgan's husband and son were champions!! As well as the new guy Ian he worked hard on set up... as usual David Grote was there... Said helped set up and break down, all in all set up went easier and so did breakdown. The extra kids - students/sons (Ailene and Morgan's) were a godsend and the artists helping breakdown their own panels was terrific!!!!! The new mosaic artist, Delaine, helped a lot with breakdown as well and some PPAA people who definitely pulled their weight on set up and breakdown.
De Young opportunity for SAS Month
David Steinhardt led the discussion of his notes, below.
Notes-6/10/05 meeting with Renee
The target date for Sunset and Richmond artists is July of 2006. We discussed four weekends of events of an interactive nature with the public.
The overall theme is culture in the Avenues, not limited to visual artists but including also poets, musicians, historians, perhaps actors, etc.
The month should include PPAA, either as an integrated group or as a separate group with their own weekend.
Some of Renee’s ideas:
• Have artists work in groups for salon events to be viewed by the public. Her specific idea came from an art teacher who did a figure modeling class with his regular students as a 1-day residency at the Palace.
• A Surfer Sunday to celebrate the beach culture
• An Asian-American weekend to reflect the Asian culture.
The physical resources available are:
• The Kimball Gallery, where the month-long residencies will be, and is approx. 1000 sq. ft.
• This gallery has three large video screens that we can use either for video art, or for pre-taped interviews with artists, or videos of artists working in their studios, or-?
• The sculpture court (outdoors)
• Children’s Gallery (Enchanted Pond) (outdoors)
• An outdoor court adjacent to the Kimball Gallery.
• Two classrooms in the tower for prescheduled workshop type events
The financial resources available are:
• Museum: publicity, e.g., postcards & announcements in their member’s events mailings.
• Our $1900 from the silent auction at HOF if we so designate it.
• Money we might raise from the Inner Sunset Merchants Assn. Or from grants
• This is not a show of art. It is not an exhibition.
• This is a chance for artists to interact with the public in creative ways while promoting their particular artistic vision.
• A chance to submit a proposal for an art project to a friendly institution that is very prestigious in our local art world.
• A chance for the more professional and/or ambitious artists to make important contacts and pad their resumes.
• An opportunity to do art on a scale you cannot in your studio because of space limitations.
THIS IS A JURIED PROCESS (deadline in December)
Staff at the De Young will jury the proposals that artists submit. SAS has no real influence over what is selected and what is not.
• Think big. It is easier to scale a proposal down rather than up. If you have harbored dreams of doing a room-sized installation or workshop or event, this is the time and place it might be made real. Propose the project you really want to do, and let for the De Young to tell you that it’s a great idea, but it needs to be scaled back a little to fit in their program.
• Propose a project that your portfolio will support. If you’ve always wanted to do a huge sand painting but your whole portfolio is made up of photo collages, you’re chances are slim, simply because they will doubt that you can actually follow through your proposal.
• We will try to get a workshop scheduled that will help you write a proposal. If you don’t already know how, cancel your other plans and attend it. Writing proposals is a specific skill with certain rules and standards that make your chances of acceptance much higher.
• Talk to your artist friends. Collaborative proposals can really work well in this setting. A proposal that includes several artists working in a coordinated way will be well considered.
• Think your proposal through. Some details are important. For example, if you want to hang a 1000 pound glass object from the ceiling, have an idea of how thick a cable you will need, how many bolts and of what size, etc. If you want five artists dressed in tuxedos and whiteface to sit in a circle on the floor and play dominos in slow motion, think about whether they will need pillows, if there should be rules about their conversation, whether they should keep score or not, what to do about bathroom breaks, what postures are acceptable, etc. If you want to do a mural with kids, think about how many kids, what their ages are, how many tables you will need, where they will come from, how big the mural will be, etc.
You don’t need to know every detail. But you want to give the impression that you are experienced at and/or capable of planning your project out in detail if it is accepted and executing it effectively. Your proposal should include:
name (s)
address, etc.
artist statement
materials used
nature of community involvement
space requirements
multi media requirements
(end of David’s notes)
If anyone has corrections or additions, please let me know. I will be out of town 6/26 thru 7/10.
Kelcie Tinker, SAS Secretary
Sunset Artists Society
Agenda for meeting June 14, 2005, 7pm
Location: West Sunset on Ortega behind Library
Discussion of the June 4th and 5th Art in the Avenues show.
Lost at the show: Jan Bernard’s lightweight shawl, black with white flowers embroidered on it. If anyone has found it, please call Jan on 334-1484, or bring it to the meeting on Tuesday.
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